Tuesday 22 September 2015

Embarking on the journey

So this is the second edition to my blog collection now (becoming a real blogspert) and if you'll let me I'm going to give you an seek preview into what to expect from The Phemale Physicist.

I'm a physics student. I'm going into my final year. And I'm PETRIFIED. But fear not, this is a good kind of scared. The kind of nerves you get when something exciting could be about to happen, as i embark on my Hunt for Quasicrystals (this is the title I've been given for my masters research project), sounds cool right?... that's because it is! Its going to get super nerdy... are you ready? 

Throughout this blog i'm going to walk you through the weekly activities of a my research; what i'm discovering, how I plan to progress and where I think it will eventually take me as I leave university and enter the big wide world... 

Watch this space, as i delve into the passionate, unknown and mind marvelling world of science. 

Follow the excitement,
